+49 (0) 94 38 / 94 99 - 200

IT Solutions

Since UBH was founded, software development has always been one of the core competencies within the Group. Our software products are characterized by their orientation towards customer requirements and the continuous development of our software solutions.

Benefit from our many years of experience in developing professional software products.

High performance, modu­lar logis­tics soft­ware suite

WMS + MFC + sub­ordi­nate con­trols + visuali­sation

Sof­tware for smart pro­duction con­trol

WEB and data­based IT appli­cation

Standard­ized busi­ness suite

Com­pre­hensive busi­ness appli­cations and cor­porate soft­ware for commer­cial enter­prises with evolved indi­vidu­ality.

Further information on request.